June Ditch Repairs

The ditch is in need of immediate action before it all collapses into the water.  Using bundles of twigs and branches recently pruned should be able to provide a substratum for usual silt and mud to accumulate.  This in turn will provide stability for water plants to root and take hold.

The water plants will then create strong foundations for the ditch and hold its banks up with resilience when it floods.  This natural method of water and waterway management has been ignored and made inferior by the thoughtless and often ineffective use of concrete.

Last year’s oil spill was trapped in this area by the Environment Agency’s ‘Boom’ which was meant to restrain the oil from running into the river from the ditch:  https://loversofnature.co.uk/responsibilities/oil-pollution/ only around 40 litres of oil was taken away out of the spillage of 1000 litres of kerosene heating oil.

Field Maple

Posted: May 31, 2022