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Posted: April 4, 2023

Bold Daffodils

Oh, Forest Lodge all those 60 daffodils that each of you planted in November are flowering now at Easter and you are all on your holidays!  I took the photo through the wire fence so that you can see how beautiful they are.  They are strong and tall.  Perhaps they will last until the summer term?  I do hope so!

18th April 2023
Children – you are back at school and you have seen the photo.  Your teacher has told me that you have looked at the daffodils in wonder and here are some of your reactions:
“The daffodils are yellow!”
“and beautiful!”
“Their stems are green”
“They are shiny”
“They growed!” (grew)
“It’s New Parks”
“We will see them next forest fun”

Forest Lodge

Well done also to keep all your logs for studying them as they become rotten and invite insects to use them.

Field Maple

Posted: March 6, 2023

Twigs can become anything!

All of you are having fun with my silver birch, maple and crab apple tree prunings. You are creating extraordinary and unusual things to make your imagination fly away!  Great fun children!

Field Maple

Forest Lodge

Posted: March 6, 2023

Daffodils – Here they come!

It looks like all the daffodil bulbs planted by the 60 children in November are wanting to grow.  Their shoots are surfacing with vigour and health. Well done Forest Lodge!  When do you think they will actually show their flowers?

Field Maple

Forest Lodge

Posted: November 23, 2022

The Daffodil Plot Gets Bigger!

We found worms and we found some mushrooms as well and we know we must not touch them. The roots at the bottom of the bulb were tickly and hairy and we know they drink water and that will help the daffodils to grow.

Forest Lodge

Mrs F’s Class – you finished the planting of the 60 daffodils and it will be great to watch them all grow in your selected plot of ground in the corner. You were all very happy to touch and dig the soil and pick up the leaves to put in the holes along with the earth. The leaves will help feed the worms. Well done everyone!

Field Maple

Posted: November 9, 2022

Hey Worms – Stay Still!

We liked those wriggling worms and they tickled our hands.  We wondered what to do with them and so we put them into the log house we made last term. We also picked up some very small snails and hid them under the fence.  Then we put our daffodil bulbs into the holes we dug out.

Forest Lodge

Mr B’s Class – what nature lovers you are!  It was great that you showed such interest in the little creatures living in the soil.  I wonder if they will remember you when you come to admire the daffodils growing in the spring?  Look out for them!

Field Maple

Posted: November 9, 2022

Lots of Daffs Planted

We put in 20 more daffodil bulbs and so now there are 40 bulbs planted.

Forest Lodge

Mr B will be very proud of your efforts children, and he will enjoy watching them grow with you.

Field Maple

Posted: November 9, 2022

Happy Calendulas

We are Mrs H’s old class and now we have Mr B as our teacher. These are the Calendulas we planted last term and we are very pleased to see them all growing and they have some flowers too.

Forest Lodge

These Calendulas flowering in November are making up for lost time in all that heat in the summer. They really do seem to like Mr B’s children!

Field Maple

Posted: October 26, 2022

Planting Daffodil Bulbs

We have had so much fun planting our bulbs.  Digging the hole was the hardest bit but putting the soil back in made us laugh!

Forest Lodge

Mrs S class – all twenty of you did a great job digging holes deep enough for the bulbs to feel at home and keeping the roots down means they will quickly take up water and get longer and stronger. Very hopeful start to winter children!

Field Maple

Posted: October 26, 2022

How did that Happen?

Mrs H’s class won the test! Our Calendulas somehow managed to survive during our very, very hot summer holidays. Mrs S and Mrs W’s children’s Nasturtiums and Calendulas have only grown half the size.  The Runner Beans are not even there!

Forest Lodge

Well done children! I am truly amazed that anything was able to survive the 40 degrees centigrade we all experienced on 19th July! Your plants may have been sheltered by the fence beside them, casting shade against the fierce summer sun coming from the south. The Runner Beans may have been eaten by slugs – they like their leaves!

Field Maple

Posted: June 15, 2022

Watering has helped!

We saw the Calendula plants growing quickly and then the Nasturtiums started to grow and they are getting longer and longer!

Forest Lodge

They are all growing because you have been watering them!  Hopefully, you will see them come into flower soon with lovely colours of yellow, orange and red!  The Runner Beans have got going and they can run up the side of the fence.  You will have to help them on their way as soon as they are long enough!  

Field Maple

Posted: June 15, 2022

Water me! Water me!

We have been very sad because our Hazel twigs came into leaf and then stopped growing.

Forest Lodge

These three Hazel twigs seem still to have kept their leaves but they needed some urgent action when I visited after half-term.  I gave each a full watering can of water and a stake so that they can be saved!  These three have probably benefitted from the shade given by the fence nearby.    

Field Maple

Posted: April 27, 2022

Seed Planting

We’ve been planting seeds!

Forest Lodge

Posted: April 27, 2022

Seed Planting Mrs W Class

Our Nasturtium seeds are going to be red.  We were told to cover them up with the soil and put them to bed.  We all wanted to plant the spare seeds left over.

Forest Lodge

Mrs W Class You were so excited to plant your seeds.  Nasturtiums should grow into long lengths of stems, flowers and leaves.  They could crawl up the fence behind them, or onto the grass all around.  They often attract caterpillars so look out for the white butterflies laying eggs and their hungry caterpillars in a couple of months!  You are all very patient waiting your turns to plant.

Field Maple

Posted: April 27, 2022

Seed Planting Mrs H Class

We were given a lot of little seeds to hold before we put them into a little line in the soil.  They are Calendula seeds and they look like tiny little sunflowers.  We were told they were a ‘pinch of seeds’.

Forest Lodge

Mrs H Class Calendula are part of the Daisy family and are very small compared to sunflowers!  You were all given a pinch of seeds to hold in your hands because there were 250 seeds in the packet!  You were so careful to hold them until your turn to put them in the soil.  Out of all those seeds surely some will grow?  Watch carefully!!

Field Maple

Posted: April 27, 2022

Seed Planting Mrs S Class

We planted flowers called Nasturtium and the seed packet shows they will be yellow and orange in colour.

Forest Lodge

Mrs S class – you each picked out three Nasturtium seeds from my tub and held them carefully before planting them into their tiny holes in the soil.   You managed to hold onto them before putting them one by one into the soil. Well done all of you.

Field Maple

Posted: March 30, 2022

Three Grand Houses

All 54 of us had a log each to make these bug houses.

Forest Lodge

Forest Lodge – let’s see how it all works out Forest Lodge children!

Field Maple

Posted: March 30, 2022

Lovely Logs 3

Lovely Logs Mrs H Class
We learnt that when you cut a tree you can find wood and when you cut the wood you can make logs.  We want ants, wood lice, worms and slugs to live in our habitat log-house.

Forest Lodge

Mrs H Class Forest Lodge children – I was very impressed with your list of insects that might naturally live amongst your logs.  You are a clever bunch! Especially when one of you picked up a wood louse to prove you knew what it was - well done!

Field Maple

Posted: March 30, 2022

Lovely Logs 2

Lovely Logs Mrs W Class
We enjoyed putting our 18 logs into a pile and we think ladybirds, spiders, bees and caterpillars will live there.

Forest Lodge

Mrs W Class Forest Lodge children – you were very patient waiting your turns to put the twigs, sticks and your own log onto the habitat pile.  I could see you dancing back to your class room!

Field Maple

Posted: March 4, 2022

Lovely Logs 1

Lovely Logs Mrs S Class
We all had a log to look at and play with before we put them into a pile.  We want insects to live there.

Forest Lodge

Forest Lodge - Mrs S class, we had a lot of fun with those logs and you know only to watch what happens and leave the insects alone to find their new home.

Field Maple

Posted: February 11, 2022

A Full Grand Start

We counted 24 twigs planted for all three of our classes and we were told we can watch them grow.

Forest Lodge

Well done to Forest Lodge for planting 24 Hazel Twigs.  We will be able to study them all and see if any grow.  They will need to make roots for them to take water from the soil.  They will grow leaves if they are happy. If you take care of them and don’t touch them they may grow taller.  Even if just one or two live and smile, it will be successful.  Great and grand stuff!!

Field Maple

Posted: February 11, 2022

3rd Grand Start

We had funny fun planting our eight Hazel twigs into the ground.  There are buds on the twigs, we were told we can watch them grow.  We measured how far the twigs were pushed into the ground.

Forest Lodge

Forest Lodge - Mrs H Class - You were all very involved in pushing the twigs into the ground and we measured how far they were put into the earth.  The buds will become little green leaves in the spring, if they stay alive.  You will see them if you look very carefully.  So, watch out for which ones want to grow and those which may not.

Field Maple

Posted: February 1, 2022

A 2nd Grand Start

We are the second class and we planted eight more Hazel twigs and we all said we liked doing it.  We selected the right positions for the twigs so they are in neat rows next to the first class’s twigs.

Forest Lodge

It is great fun working with you children at Forest Lodge - Mrs W class - getting those twigs into the ground.  We know how hard it is to push them into the soil and so we used a strong iron poker to make a hole for them.

Field Maple

Posted: January 27, 2022

A Grand Start

We are the Marchers, Wobblers, Dancers and Wrigglers and we have planted eight of your Hazel twigs just as you showed us on the videos.

Forest Lodge

And a good job done children at Forest Lodge - Mrs S class.  We will be wondering together if any will grow some leaves and show you that they are alive?  Very important to keep on watering each one of them.

Field Maple