Ladybird says...
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Posted: October 19, 2021
What’s This?
My Mum and I lifted up a loose brick in the garden and found this habitat underneath. There were also lots of Woodlice!
Hello Ladybird - always so exciting to lift up an old brick or stone! You have found a very long centipede, well done. Can you count how many legs it has?
Field Maple

Posted: November 16, 2021
Lovely Lugworms
We visited the Estuary and I found lots of squirls in the mud and Mum said they are probably made by lugworms.
Lovely, Ladybird, the worms will make good food for all those wading birds in the Estuary! But the squirls are actually lugworm poo!!
Field Maple

Posted: June 15, 2022
What is in that pond?
We went pond-dipping today and I found a water snail and put it on my hand to look at it.
Hiya Ladybird, always excellent to see how a snail looks, even when they live in water and I expect it was well hidden in its shell. Also, very important to put living creatures back where you found them, so well done!
Field Maple