Spiderboy says...

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Posted: June 15, 2022

Slippy, sloppy, slappy!

The tadpoles were very slithery and slimy.  They have very long tails!


Yes Spiderboy, if you return to the pond you will see how the young frog grows into its tadpole tail!  I wonder how long that will take to happen? Good observations Spiderboy!    

Field Maple

Posted: October 19, 2021

Lunch Time

We saw this spider in its web on the way to the shops with my Mum. It had its legs tucked under him and the little greenfly was making its escape while the spider was having a rest!


Well Spiderboy, you had a good observation there.  Do you know if the greenfly escaped or was it lunch time for the spider who knew it would be stuck in its silky trap anyway?

Field Maple