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Posted: July 6, 2023

Sweet Peas Ahoy There!

I’ve been watering my sweet peas.

West Gate

It certainly looks like it Twiggy and they may just keep growing.  They are little ones just hanging in there. Don't mistake the old, dead pea stick which you put in to have something for the sweet peas to grow up with your tree behind it which looks good, well done.

Field Maple

Posted: June 25, 2023

They’re just holding on!

Can hardly see my sweet peas, but my tree is growing!  Tree looks good.

West Gate

Your sweet peas are there, Raife, they just need a little more time and they are alive!

Field Maple

Posted: June 25, 2023

The tallest Sweet Peas!

My sweet peas have grown!

West Gate

Yes, D’Arbol, yours have grown up 35cms – you must have had a special touch in your hands and the soil you put it into!  Excellent

Field Maple

Posted: May 1, 2023

Sweet, Sweet Peas, Poppies and Daffodils at Westgate!

Westgate has all its daffodils blooming – they waited for the summer term to show how strong they are!

West Gate

Now they have some friends to accompany them – sweet peas and poppy seeds!

Field Maple

Posted: May 1, 2023

Sweet Peas and Poppies with Raife

I planted my sweet peas in a good, open spot so they have light to grow and my daffodils look great.  We had poppy seeds to plant and they are very, very tiny.

West Gate

You planted all of them so well, Raife.  Sweet peas will grow up your stick – keep on watering them though!  Perhaps the poppy seeds will also grow, watch out for them.

Field Maple

Posted: April 28, 2023

Twiggy’s Best for Twigs!

My Birch twig should be good for my sweet peas to grow up!

West Gate

Yes, Twiggy – the twig is from your own birch tree’s mother tree!

Field Maple

Posted: April 28, 2023

Jay & Ess now looking after Grounded’s Tree

We will be looking after Grounded’s Silver Birch tree and we are pleased it is the tallest in the bunch!  We liked digging our hole for the sweet peas.

West Gate

I’m so pleased you have adopted Grounded’s tree J & S.  It continues to grow well, so keep on looking after it.  You will enjoy watching the sweet peas grow - water them!

Field Maple

Posted: April 28, 2023

Darlik’s Buddleia

My Buddleia is special and I wonder how it will turnout.  Its leaves are different to Raife’s Silver Birch tree.  I like my sweet peas

West Gate

Darlik, your Buddleia looks good and healthy.  I think you will be surprised what it will do this summer

Field Maple

Posted: April 28, 2023

Caterpillar’s Worms Glorious Worms

I liked the worms more than the sweet peas.  I had to cover all those worms up with sweet pea roots and I had to say goodbye to them.

West Gate

The worms will still be in the ground Caterpillar and you will be able to see them any time you dig a hole, especially if it has been raining.

Field Maple

Posted: April 28, 2023

Deep Planting by A’rbol!

I’m different, my twig for the sweet peas is a beech twig and is more bendy than the others’ twigs.  My hole was very big but I filled it in well with soil to keep the sweet peas company.
And we planted poppy seeds, they look like what you get on a loaf of bread!

West Gate

Yes A’rbol, the beech twig will give the peas a nice broad display to grow on.  Keep watering them! Very clever to notice that we find poppy seeds on some loaves of bread A'rbol! Let's see what happens?  You'll have to go to the shop to buy a seeded loaf of bread though!

Field Maple

Posted: December 14, 2022

What a Silver Birch Growing Year at West Gate!

The greatest achievement of this year 2022 is that all the Silver Birch trees are still alive after that terrible summer heat and drought.  Not only are they alive but they are prospering and their leaves are strong and falling at the same time as their mother tree, which happens to be very late this year.

You can also see the old plastic bottle which Raife picked up and he put it on a stick he found so that we do not trip up or into a hole into which we have all put our feet one time or another.

The end of this year is so cold and so opposite to the enormous heat in July.  What a year West Gate, well done all of you for looking after your trees. They have responded well to you all and each of them have just about doubled in height!

West Gate

Posted: December 14, 2022

What a Year at West Gate for Caterpillar

My tree started at 69cms and now it is 114cms tall.  The tree is growing!  It is special.

West Gate

Yes, Caterpillar, your tree is special and is in good health.  Please watch how the top of the stem grows because it may decide to have two main stems instead of one.  Silver Birch usually likes to have one main stem but I think yours may want to have two, which will make it very unusual and also very interesting. Great stuff Caterpillar!

Field Maple

Posted: December 14, 2022

What a Year at West Gate for Grounded

My tree started at 144cms and now it is 214cms tall.  This tree is flipping tall! The diameter at the bottom is 2cms.

West Gate

Your tree is as high as the fence Grounded!  It is a great leader for all the other  trees and has a super position  at the far end of the plot.  It is looking very handsome and looking strong, well done Grounded! 

Field Maple

Posted: December 14, 2022

What a Year at Westgate for Twiggy

My tree started 63cms and now it is 117cms tall.  My tree has brown leaves on it at the top and bottom.  There is snow on the leaves at the top and they look really good.

West Gate

Twiggy, your tree looks really good and clearly wants to grow.  It is the tree that has the most autumn leaves on it, so it is strong and wants to get going.  You are always pleased to stand near your tree patiently when everyone else is doing their jobs.  I think your tree likes you a lot!  Well done!

Field Maple

Posted: December 14, 2022

What a Year at Westgate for A’rbol

My tree started at 60cms and now it is 128cms tall.  My tree has 76 leaves still on it and they have changed from green to yellow and brown. The small stems have buds for leaves next year. Compared to Grounded’s tree mine has a 1cm diameter at its base, which is smaller than his.

West Gate

A'rbol, your tree has doubled in size since February, what great news!  You wanted to measure the trunk at the base to see how it compared to Grounded's tree (which started the tallest).  It is  a good place to measure the growth of trees because it will show as an annual ring of growth inside the wood, as time goes by. It was a really clever idea to find out the diameter - clever you!

Field Maple

Posted: December 14, 2022

What a Year at Westgate for Darlik

My Buddleia started at 30cms and now it is 99cms tall.  My Buddleia is bigger than my little Silver Birch, which is 70cms tall. My Buddleia has two stems that are bendy and thin and they are still green.

West Gate

Darlik, I am so pleased you decided to adopt the Buddleia and it seems happy snuggled up against  yours and Raife's Silver Birch saplings.  It will be interesting to see how it flowers next year.  Good for you!

Field Maple

Posted: December 14, 2022

What a Year at West Gate for Raife!

My tree started at 50cms and now it is 112cms tall. It still has 35 leaves in December and some have frost on them, they fall off easily.  I don’t think we need to water the trees because the snow melts into water.

West Gate

Well done Raife! Your tree is now twice the height of when you planted it in February!!  You are always so observant and thoughtful and like to know how the different parts of your tree works.  Good year!

Field Maple

Posted: November 3, 2022

Caterpillar and all the Daffodil Bulb Planting

There were lots of worms in my hole for the daffodil bulbs and my tree is growing very fast.

West Gate

Caterpillar, you definitely like trying to find worms and you managed to get that hole just deep enough for the bulbs to sit happily in. ~       ~      ~      ~      ~       ~       ~      ~      ~      ~      ~                             All the trees are looking good and healthy. They can enjoy settling into their new home over the winter while the rain keeps them watered. We shall see whether all your 36 daffodil bulbs will show their tips in January.

Field Maple

Posted: November 3, 2022

Grounded’s Daffodils

Sorry Grounded was not at school today but I think the others will tell him all about it and show him where his bulbs are.

West Gate

Posted: November 3, 2022

Raife and Darlik’s Daffodil Bulbs

Raife, I wanted to know whether the roots on the bulbs are the same as our legs.  Do the roots do the same things as our legs?  I learnt that the roots bring water into the plant but they still hold the plant up, like our legs!

Darlik, I wonder what my Buddleia will look like next year.  I enjoyed planting the bulbs.  We want to see how all this turns out.

West Gate

Raife and Darlik, both of you were very thorough in the excavation of the soil for your bulbs. It shows that you had a lot of thinking going on when you were trying to decide how far down to dig. It’s just that our legs run around Raife and roots stay still in the soil!

Field Maple

Posted: November 3, 2022

Twiggy’s Daffodil Planting

We were shown how to dig a small, straight trench for the bulbs but I wanted a hole in a circle.

West Gate

Twiggy, your circular hole will be fine for the bulbs and I think they may look like a proper bunch of daffs when they come through!

Field Maple

Posted: November 3, 2022

A’rbol’s Daffodils Planted Safely

I liked digging the hole for the daffodil bulbs, it was very squashy.  I made a ball out of some of the clay because it was so sticky and soft.

West Gate

A’rbol, you seem to love the texture of the earth you dig out. Perhaps you will be a potter some day?

Field Maple

Posted: July 26, 2022

Summer Heatwave and Drought!

The terrible heatwave in July (with the highest recorded temperature of 40 degrees) prompted me to go to the school in the school holidays to water each of the Silver Birch trees with three buckets of water each.  Now I know how hard the students have worked so far to keep them watered since the little Birch Copse is on the other side of the playing field!  Happily, the Caretaker has said he will continue a weekly watering.  Well done and thank you!
Field Maple

West Gate

Posted: July 26, 2022

Heatwave Wildflower Discoveries

The invasive Prickly Sow Thistle in the first picture shows leaves and flowers which the Broad-barred white moth and the Grey Chi moth’s caterpillar feed on.  It is called ‘Sow Thistle’ because female pigs (sows) would seek it out to eat after giving birth to piglets.

The middle picture shows a Cinnabar Caterpillar munching poisonous Ragwort leaves. The caterpillar itself becomes poisonous once it has eaten enough of the leaves to then form a cocoon in which it will live underground before the beautiful deep red and purple moth appears in the spring.

The third picture shows the invasive Ragwort plant in full flower, each plant can produce around 100,000 seeds and so its control is very important.  It is poisonous to all animals that eat hay and will spread very quickly, so the school’s commitment to pull them out whilst in full flower is very wise.
Filed Maple

West Gate

Posted: June 23, 2022

Wow, they are all growing at West Gate!

Well done West Gate, all the trees are growing and you have discovered two more baby trees sprouting beside the larger ones.  You have told me that each of you go out to water your tree as often as possible, sometimes once a day.  The results demonstrate how successful you have all been in caring for these small and vulnerable saplings.  It is a tribute to you all and please remember how you have made my poor little orphan trees into strong saplings ready to grow into young trees. Field Maple

West Gate

Posted: June 23, 2022


My tree is still smaller than me, started off at 69cm and now it is 95cm.  I am 133cm tall.  I want my tree to be as tall as Grounded’s tree. My tree has 11 branches growing on it.  I keep on watering it.

West Gate

Caterpillar, your tree looks very at home and is very well-cared for. Watch how the branches grow longer, bigger and stronger. Also see how many leaves there are on each branch and what shapes they are.  They look very pretty on your tree.

Field Maple

Posted: June 23, 2022


There are bugs running around the bottom of my tree and you told us they are ants; I wonder where they are living? My tree has grown from 50cm to 90cm and so if it grows 40cm a year I will have a tree 2metres high in 5 years!

West Gate

Raife, the ants are living in a nest under the tree amongst the roots.  They should not harm the tree and may even help to keep it wet when you water it because they make tunnels for their nest.  Well done to you to work out how much height your tree may gain each year.  I think it will be taller than 2metres very quickly, but you will see!

Field Maple

Posted: June 23, 2022


Some of the leaves on my tree have gone yellow and they don’t look healthy.  But it is has grown high, from 63cm to 86cm now.

West Gate

Twiggy, the few leaves at the bottom of the tree which are going yellow is because the tree no longer needs them to help it to grow.  It is very natural for a tree to shed some of its leaves during the growing season, so, all is well with your good-looking tree!

Field Maple

Posted: June 23, 2022


My Silver Birch is taller than me now, it started smaller than me at 144cm and now it is 179cm, I am 173cm tall. It’s reaching up towards the top of the fence.  I am very pleased because it is looking very healthy and I know because the grass is green and the ground is good (like me!)  We discovered another little tree growing beside it as well and the roots are showing.

West Gate

Grounded, all your watering has paid off fantastically with your lovely tall tree.  Isn’t it super to see how it has grown taller than you?  You are right to look at the health of the grass and how that shows a good soil base for the roots, don’t worry about them showing.  The tree will put all the other roots deeper into the soil.

Field Maple

Posted: June 23, 2022


I have now got a tree and Buddleia to look after.  The small tree suddenly appeared beside Raife’s tree.  The ants live in the soil and we keep watering them.  I want to know if my tree will grow as big as the lamp post?  My Buddleia was 30cm tall and now it is 40cm.

West Gate

Darlik, I am very pleased you have adopted the small Silver Birch next to Raife’s and you also have the Buddleia to look after.  Watch out for any flowers that will develop over the summer and into autumn. They will feed the butterflies.

Field Maple

Posted: June 23, 2022


There are some holes in some leaves on my tree and I think it is a caterpillar doing that!   We come to water the trees as a team every day if we can and use a handy red bucket to do it.  My tree was 60cm when I planted it and now it is 91cm.

West Gate

A’rbol, your tree is a happy home for some caterpillars which may turn into butterflies eventually, or they may become a lovely snack for passing birds like tits or sparrows!  Watch what happens to the caterpillars?

Field Maple

Posted: April 6, 2022

Orphans in Need

My Silver Birch saplings, all self-seeded orphans, have been re-homed!  Well done West Gate! Field Maple

West Gate

Posted: April 6, 2022


I like mud and I dug a hole too deep and so I had to put broken up soil into the hole so the bottom of the twig is at the same level as the ground all around.  I kept giving Caterpillar the worms I found.

West Gate

Arbol - I very much enjoyed how much pleasure you got out of the mud, clay and soil you were handling. You were kind to Caterpillar.  I also learnt that your computer name is Spanish for ‘Tree’ – what a great idea!

Field Maple

Posted: April 6, 2022


I like worms. I like bamboo sticks as well and there is one to hold up my little tree.

West Gate

Caterpillar – you were very enthusiastic and were very interested in everything.  I was very impressed that you told me you knew the bamboo stake is a bamboo because there are holes in either end of it (and that Pandas eat bamboo leaves).  Well done for being so observant.

Field Maple

Posted: April 6, 2022


I knew the most important thing for my tree is to make sure it gets lots of water.  I dug my hole really quickly.

West Gate

Twiggy – you were super quick at everything but you kept calm and patient while waiting for everyone else to finish what they were doing.  You knew a lot about what the tree needs to grow, soil, water and a stick to hold it in place.  Good for you!

Field Maple

Posted: April 6, 2022

Darlik and Raife

I wonder what the Buddleia is going to look like.  It is sitting very close to Raife’s tree and it is best they are not disturbed.  I didn’t like digging the hole because it was so close to the edge of the slope below.

I learnt about water tables and how the roots of the tree need to be able to drink the water.  I also know now that the roots won’t like being in too much water and all the clay can keep it wet if it rains a lot

West Gate

Darlik - You were very brave to get the spade into the ground and get the clay out of the hole . I think you will be very interested to see how your Buddleia will grow and I am hoping it will have flowers in the summer to attract butterflies. Raife - You had such a lot of interest in the work everyone was doing.  It was a pleasure to see how you liked to help other students and you thought a lot about how the little sapling you have will grow. You were also very interested in how tall each sapling is and so you will be very involved in measuring them as time goes by.

Field Maple

Posted: April 6, 2022


Mine was the tallest tree of all, it is 144 cms high.  I found it hard to dig out the soil but with help there was a big enough hole.

West Gate

Grounded – what a super name to give yourself!  The tallest Birch sapling is now planted because of your efforts and it will want you to look after it.  You were very thoughtful about the tree also being ‘grounded’ so good for you to be so down to earth!

Field Maple

Posted: March 1, 2022

Here’s the Plot

The plan is to manage this area and plant some Silver Birch saplings and see how they grow!

West Gate