Mothy says...
← Back to Teenagers Say pagePosted: August 1, 2023
Chimneys Under the Cherry Tree
I was out in Field Maple’s Organic Garden, wandering and enjoying the wind in the trees and clouds scudding by. Suddenly I thought it was very peculiar to see chimneys under the cherry tree. What is all that about? I am Mothy
I think we may be onto a big discovery of some sort Mothy!
Field Maple
Posted: October 3, 2023
Three Admirals Basking
Three admirals basking in the glory of the September sun. The trust these three had for me to gleefully be able to take a beautiful photo before they retreat to a roost, a truly heartfelt gift.
Hey Mothy - a wonderful moment in time before winter arrives!
Field Maple
Posted: October 20, 2023
Rummaging in Field Maple’s organic garden I found the DecaDorfs true and magical identity
Mothy! DecaDorfs are woodlice? Are you sure? Do you think they have come to my garden because of all those old chimneys I've got about the place? Why don't the DecaDorfs talk to me Mothy? Or maybe you and they have some sort of extraordinary language only best understood between you all? But thank you Mothy for discovering this amazing activity going on right here, under my feet. Incredible!
Field Maple
Posted: January 31, 2024
Posing Robin!
The robin waits
Watches world’s go by
It stands above all
Yet bows to enthral
It feasts from the ground
And the ground feasts upon it.
It is the watching robin
So it waits, till late
You’ve really captured the spirit and the character of our most beloved garden bird, Mothy. The robin’s profile on the fence is adorable and so familiar to anyone who looks up to see who it is making all that noise above them! Wonderful picture.
Field Maple
Posted: January 5, 2025
Snails Alive?
Field Maple, I found these under-cover agents hustled up together when I lifted a piece of plastic keeping wood dry under it. What a bunch of secrets they must hold?
What a discovery in the middle of winter! They have been well-covered Mothy. What will you do with them?
Field Maple
Posted: January 5, 2025
Whatta lotta escargot?
Then I found these secret-agents under another piece of plastic. What to do with them?
Okay Mothy, yes, indeed what to do with them? But they’re clever little creatures aren’t they and they certainly like to be together. You will notice how important the wood is to them and how they've simply put a shelter over themselves using plastic (like us). You’ve disturbed their living quarters, so over to you. If you can carefully put the plastic back and let them live out the winter, they’ll be around to do they’re snacking tricks on all the local vegetation. Watch out and observe? Escargot – French for snail but don’t eat these!
Field Maple
Posted: January 5, 2025
Under-world re-discovered
Field Maple, I zoomed in to the last picture and these two are stuck together?
Good for you Mothy to see them clasped together. Snails are hermaphrodite which means they can reproduce both as female and male. Who knows what these two are doing, but they certainly look like good pals! You still haven’t told me what you’ll do with them all?
Field Maple